
Pink Floyd's Howling Talent

Pink Floyd's film, "Live at Pompeii," captured the only live performance of the originally entitled song. "Seamus," (who provided howling accompaniment on the original studio version) from their legendary recording, Meddle. The title was re-named for the film version, "Mademoiselle Nobs," after the female Russian Wolfhound who lent her extraordinary canine vocal talents. Nobs, who belonged to Madonna Bouglione the daughter of circus director Joseph Bouglione, illustrated how talent obviously ran in the family (even with the family dog).

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Keith Moon's K9 b-side

Keith Moon, aside from his legendary drumming and on-stage antics, often penned some of The Who's most clever songs. One example amid the extensive Who catalogue is lesser known b-Side from the band's legendary 1969 hit, "Pinball Wizard." Produced by Kit Lambert, the composition entitled, "Dogs Part Two," featured two lesser known Who vocalist's, Towser, Pete Townshend's Spaniel mix and John Entwistle's Irish Wolfhound, Jason. Both dog's provided their distinctive howls for the singles vocal track along-side Moon's legendary drumming talents.
Although Moon was a collector of Great Danes, none of his dogs lent their talents to the recording. The once rare b-Side has been re-released on the deluxe edition of The Who's, Tommy CD.

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Arrow has a Point

In 1970, the talented song-writer and performer, Harry Nilsson, composed an acid influenced children’s story about a round-headed boy named Oblio and his dog, Arrow, who were outsiders in the land called Point. This land where everything, including its residents, had a point became a difficult place for Oblio and Arrow to be accepted. How did Harry come up with this concept? "I was on acid and I looked at the trees and I realized that they all came to points, and the little branches came to points, and the houses came to point. I thought, 'Oh! Everything has a point, and if it doesn't, then there's a point to it.'"
The original album inserts by artist, Gary Lund (above), showcase our blue colored pooch, Arrow, and all of his adventures. Harry’s musical concept was later adapted into an animated special and a musical play. The Point, narrated by Nilsson, reached #25 on the Billboard charts, and launched the successful hit song about Oblio’s favorite canine companion, "Me And My Arrow."

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Hounded by Love

It wasn't until Kate Bush built a private studio near her home in 1985, that she claimed to finally have the ability to work at her own pace and have the freedom to experiment. The results was the beautifully realized self-produced effort highlighting her exceptional songwriting and performing talents entitled, Hounds of Love.

The album’s concept features a Side B of songs about a heroine lost at sea facing the threat of drowning and a Side A of pop masterpieces, including the title track, devoted to exploring the different aspects of love. Kate explains the meaning of these hounds in a 1992 interview with BBC Radio 1, stating that, "When I was writing the song I sorta started coming across this line about hounds and I thought "hounds of love" and the whole idea of being chased by this love that actually... when it gets you it’s just going to rip you to pieces, you know, and have your guts all over the floor! So this very sort of... being hunted by love, I liked the imagery, I thought it was really good."

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